In The Poisoned Dragon, Feng Shui consultant and geomancer
SD Anugyan invites us beyond the limits of a single discipline and into a
new world of possibilities - the practice of Radical Feng Shui:
a modern practice that concentrates on integrating
the individual into the whole of nature, promoting growth and development
a global practice that draws on the wisdom of many cultures,
including Vaastu Shastra from India, the Native American medicine wheel and
Fusui from Japan
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Born near Findhorn, Scotland, of mixed parentage, S.D. Anugyan
has worked as a microbiology technician, a science teacher and - now - as
a Feng Shui consultant and a writer. His extensive travel and study
of the world’s most mysterious and sacred sites, as well as direct experience,
led him to extend the boundaries of traditional Feng Shui and create a new
approach - Radical Feng Shui.
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